Saturday, March 31, 2007

Tomato Ketchup

Tomatoes are actually a type of berry, and were called “LOVE APPLE” in the 16th century. Tomato’s flavor depends more on the variety and how ripe it is than on where it had ripened. Varieties include baby plum, beef-steak, cherry, vine, and yellow cheery.

My entry for JFI- Tomato hosted by “RP of My Workshop”.

3 kg. Ripe tomatoes,
500gm sugar,
7-8 tbsp pepper powder,
Salt to taste.
Step 1: Wash the tomatoes and dry with towel. Cut into four pieces each.

Step 2: Cook tomatoes under pressure for 2-3 minutes, until they are soft.

Step 3: Drain the water of tomatoes in another bowl.

Step 4: Remove skin with steel spoon.

Step 5: Mash it with blender.
Step 6: Drain this tomato pulp and remove the skin and seeds.
Step 7: Heat thick bottom vessel and put this tomato pulp in it.

Step 8: Stirring it continuously for 15-minutes.
Step 9: Then add sugar in it.
Step 10: When it begins to thicken (takes 1\2-hours or more time), add salt.

Step 11: Continue cooking until ketchup consistency is reached.

Step 12: Turn off the flame and add pepper powder and mix well.

Step 13: Last add tomato ready made preservative (or vinegar).
Step 14: Allow cooling completely and storing.
Step 15: Take clean and dry glass bottles and fill with tomatoes ketchup.


  1. Hey Kajal,
    These ketchup looks mouth watering..well home made is always better.The color is so good...hmm ... its quit simple also ....cant wait to try this out.Thanks for sharing

  2. Anonymous07:01

    Dear kajal,
    I really really love your blog so much. You do such an excellent job of presenting the recipe in the photographs. The photographs are really clear and are taken at every step which makes the reader feel confident while attempting to try that recipe. Even while making something I quickly run upstairs to the computer room to check if my product looks exactly like the one you have in the photographs. You seem to be an expert in southindian, gujrathi, north indian ..all types of which part of india are you from?And who takes those lovely photographs? Thank you so much for making those mouthwatering dishes and posting them on your blog > Really appreciate it.

  3. hi kajal,
    ketchup bau saras lagey chey.
    I guess there's nothing like homemade with such fresh tomatoes.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  4. Hi Dr.Soumya,
    Thanks for lovely words, I am so happy to read your comment. I have post another tomato–ketchup recipe with garlic. It is to made and enjoy good food for healthy family.
    Enjoy your weekend.:))

  5. Hi Vinita,
    I am not expert in south Indian, north Indian dish but I learn form another blog. I like to enjoy different type of dishes. Also cooking is my hobby. I am from Gujarat. I love Gujarati dish but enjoy cooking another dish also. I take all photographs my another ahnd if I am cooking from one hand.

  6. Hi Richa,
    This is time demanding recipe but my mother is helping me so I made this with help of my mother. Thanks for your nice words.
    Have a nice weekend.:))))))))

  7. So sweet of you girl. Loved those steps and will check it out soon.

  8. Hi Priya,
    Thanks a lot.
    Nice to see your words.
    With lots of fun.:))))))))

  9. Have to try this ketchup... its healthy to make it at home.. wonderful effort of presenting it to us.. thanks
    Priya dilip

  10. Hi Priya Dilip,
    Thanks for appreciating me.
    You try it and you definitely taste best. But it is time making recipe.


  11. Will try this Kajal. Look so simple with your presentation. Viji

  12. Hi Viji,
    Thanks for lovely comment. It is very simple but cooking time is 45-minutes.
    So when you are too much time then try it.
    Take care.

  13. Hi kajal,
    First time at your blog!
    You have an excellent blog, your step by step presentation is great

  14. hi,
    First time to ur bolg...... Ketchup is very nice........

  15. Hi Sukanya Ramkumar,

    Well come to my blog.
    Thanks for visit.

    Have a nice day.:)

  16. hi!!
    liked ur style with photos.
    keep it up...

  17. Hi

    i was searching from so long for easy tomato sauce recipe. your is perfect. photos are very helpful

  18. please let me know the quantity of vinegar should be used.

  19. please let me know the quantity of vinegar should be used.

  20. Sumana23:26

    Dear Kajal,
    The recipe was really well-illustrated.
    I just want to know whatvwould be the chemical ingridients(preservatives amd colours) and their proportion, if anybody wants to produce it in larg quantity.
