Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Methi Thepla (Fresh Fenugreek Paratha ),Honest Scrap Award

Very very tasty and spicy.........:-)
Ingredients for making Paste of methi leaves:
A bunch of fresh green methi (fenugreek) leaves
9-10 fresh green chillies

Method of making mixer of methi leaves:
Step 1: Wash the leaves of methi with water twice.
Step 2: Cut the green chillies and remove the seeds.
Step 3: Place methi leaves and green chillies into mixer bowl.

Step 4: Grind it and make paste not much smooth and just crush it. (Add little ¼-cup water if requires to grind)Ingredients for paratha:
2 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp lemon juice (or yogurt)
3 cups wheat flour
1 tbsp sugar (optional)
2 tbsp oil
Salt to taste
Butter or oil for frying

Method of making paratha:
Step 1: Take a big plate for making dough and add green mixer of methi leaves and add lemon juice, oil, sesame seeds and salt to taste.

Step 2: mix all this ingredients very well.

Step 3: Add the wheat flour and making slight stiff dough. It is doesn’t require to add water, If so then left some of the flour.

Step 4: If you like then you add 2-tbsp curd (Yoghurt) for more taste or as option of lemon juice. Step 5: If you aloe to rest this dough for 15 minutes then it’s become smooth and after that it is easily puff.
Step 6: Make medium size bolls and roll it about 5” diameter with help of roller.

Step 7: Heat the thick pan and place the methi thepla over it.

Step 8: Cook in low flame for one minutes.

Step 9: Turn another side and cook on medium flame until golden patches.
Step 10: Spared the oil (or butter) on top side and turn on other side.

Step 11: When you turn on another sides then it become puffy if the flame on medium heat.

Step 12: Fry both sides till light brown.

Step 13: Repeat the same procedure for the remaining dough.

Step 14: Serve hot in Breakfast with tea.

If you like to serve in dinner than it is always good with tomato curry (or any curry with tomato gravy) and lemon pickles.

Note: You also add fresh coriander leaves in it to become testier and reduce the bitterness of fenugreek.

Wise Quotes:

No man in this world is rich enough to buy his own PAST.
Enjoy each moment before it gets beyond reach.....................!!!

Thanks you very much to Mina the Princess of her college…from give-me-some-spice, nominating my blog for the The Honest Scrap Award

According to the award rules, I now have to tell you 10 honest things about myself and pass on the award to 10 fellow food bloggers who are honest in their approach to blogging.So here goes: 10 honest things about myself:

1. I was learn blogging from my younger sister. I am really very thankful to my sister. Also her husband….
2. I like to observe the people when they make any item by hand. I have captured the picture in my mind. These habits always help me when I made any item.
3. I have great passion for making food.
4. I like to go to functions and visit all the friends and family members. I also like they all come at my home. I like to wear saree in party.
5. I am very sensitive person I am also cry in movie.
6. I like visit old historical place.
7. I don’t make friends easily. I have very few friends but when I have friend one time then they are my forever friend.
8. I like truth speaker people.
9. In my work place everyone trusts me because I always help people when they are in struggle.
10. Everyone like to become my friend.....because I always do something special for others. I found very few people who help me so I always think opposite if they can’t help me than I am always first to help others.

And I would like to pass on this award to bloggers behind the following blogs:

1. Zobar
2. Vanamala

3. Ushaprshanth

4. Swapna

5. Susan

6. Shyam

7. Shanti Bhanu

8. Ruchii

9. Manjula

10. Rahin


  1. Freah Methi looks so good, lovely pics of Methi Thepla, healthy and beautiful to look at! :)

  2. are really great person of my life i know you alwyas first to check out my blog and comment here first ..........

    Thank you very much dear!!!

    Have a wounderful weekend with lots fo love :)

  3. great step-by step explanation.great pics..the sabji looks great too

  4. Anonymous01:29


    Methi theplas look great. When will you post Undhiyu recipe? I am waiting for it, and so are many others.


  5. Hello Shriya,

    Thanks for your valuable comment but dear i really forgot about Undhiya recipe and now the days for all vegetable of Undhiya is like near to stop and i think in this 10 days if i mange it than it happend. but i am not free in this 10 i am really very sorry dear.

    If it is poosbile than i will try in this 10days but i think Undhiya recipe need so many vegetable and long recipe to make so i am confuse about it. Dear i am so sorry for that. I think you may be understnad me also because it is quit difficult when you have hetitic job and balance the personal life also.......

  6. Hello Trendsetters,

    Thank you very much for your nice words!!!

    Have a great weekend dear!!!
