Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Okra with Green Gravy

Sweet memory of this diwali vacation…
After long vacation I post my recipe. I was visited to my uncle’s and brother home in this diwali vacation. I enjoy a one week vacation with all my cosines. When we are separated no one say any one to bye because every one eyes with full of tears. My one cosine brother is study in hostel. He is studying in 8th- standard and living in hostel. One cosine sister is study in vallabhvidhynagar for his bachelor degree. Other cosines are working. All meet after long time in diwali. We all together in diwali vacation because we have only this time have same day holiday so we don’t left the time to live with each other. This one week is very important to all. All parents are complaining when we all together and only talking talking and talking..........Some time we all talking up to 2 pm. But this is sweet memory for all of us. We all are waiting for this one week. We decided we meet at least one week in every six month. Some time we are playing cards together with all elders and enjoy a lot. We see OSO movie again in theater because my one younger cosine brother want to see this film in theater so we all see one more time but not like to separated for 3 hours. Our parents say we all are crazy to live together. We enjoy with lots of fun!!!!

150gm fresh okra (Lady Finger)
2-tbsp oil,
1\2 tbsp mustard seeds
1\2 tbsp cumin seeds
1\4 asafoetida powder
Salt to taste

Ingredients for green paste:

4 green chilles
1\4 cup roasted peanuts
6-7 gralic pieces
1\2 cup wash and chopped fresh coriander leaves

· Mix all this ingredients and crush into mixer till smooth paste. Keep it aside.

Step 1: Wash the okra and cut into small round pieces.

Step 2: Heat the oil in pan and add mustard seeds. When seeds are pop up then add cumin seeds and asafoetida powder in it.

Step 3: After that add chopped okra in it and mix well.

Step 4: Cook in low flame with stirring in between for 8 to 10 minutes so that its stickiness is burn well. Step 5: When they become crispy then add green paste and salt in it.

Step 6: Mix well and cook for only one minute.

Step 7: Turn off the flame and serve hot with roti.

Love has its radiance everywhere & it shines upon everthing like a golden glow.:)


  1. Looks different and very new to me,Kajal

  2. Hi Kajal! when I read your memories, I too remembered my childhood days with my cousins. Really those days are unforgettable and so sweet. Okra with green gravy, completely new recipe for me. Looks colorful and delicious too. Surely will try this soon. Thanks for sharing dear.


  3. looks lovely, but i am not a fan of peanut gravy

  4. never had any okra with gravy, this one looks nice...a must try for me...thanks Kajal for the recipe

  5. Anonymous13:18

    Nice to see you after a long time...:)


  6. Kajal it is different. Greeny. Viji

  7. hey kajal, good to see u back. glad to know u had wonderful time with ur cousins and family members. that must have made ur diwali more special isn't it? :)
    lovely okras in green curry which is really new for me. thank u for sharing this wonderful recipe as i am very fond of okras:)

  8. Kajal,
    I have tagged you for some 5Q's ...
    Hope you will find time and you won't mind anwering it!!

  9. Anonymous19:20

    Hi Kajal, Nice to read you had a good time with your cousins, great recipe will try it.

  10. Good to see you back Kajal, new look too!!:)
    Yummy Okra, green gravy looks delicious, will try!

  11. Anonymous21:50

    i have some frozen okras in the freezer, will try cooking it your way. beautiful blog with lots of yummy detailed recipes, have bookmarked your blog:))

  12. Kajal.. That's so true.. I grew up being very close to all my cousins and enjoyed my holidays with them. Now, however, each of us is married and in diff. countries so difficult to meet up. I do understand how impt this is.

    The okra in green gravy looks wonderful. very different from the usual.

  13. The green of the okra is so beautiful. Love your step by step instructions! Your vacation story was so touching. It's hard when family is far away isn't it?

  14. wonderful dish!!!!...love the green rich color....very different way of making okra....a must try one...

  15. Okra in green sauce really sounds good! Yummy! and lovely new template too, Kajal :).

  16. Hi Kajal,
    Nice to read the whole story about your good vacation time. I missed you all and all the time we could have spend togather.

  17. Anonymous05:58

    Another great post Kajal, one quick question - when do you add salt to bhindi?


  18. That okra looks so fresh and the dish makes me want to go cook dhal and rice :)

  19. i simply love your recipes and step-by-step pics. great to see you posting again.

  20. Kajal, okra looks great, this is a new recipe and have to give it a try.

  21. looks gr8!!.....thanx 4 sharing....

  22. Wow looks really delicious and unusual way af making okra.

  23. Anonymous02:45

    neat presentation and nice pictures....

  24. kajal thanks for sharing lovelyyy and new recipe i am bored of regular bendhi fry

  25. How did I miss this post? Okra in green gravy looks very good,Ka jal.:-)

  26. Hi Raks Kitchen,

    Thanks for your lovely words my dear. I know you tagged me but when I get time I write about it and post it but give me some time for that. I read about your and thanks for nice appreciation form you.

    Thanks a lot again. Have a nice day.:))

  27. Hey Jyothi,

    You know my cousis sister mom name is Jyoti like your. Yes you are right this is unforgettable moments of our life. Without tension just feel free in our life is nice day of life.

    Thanks for your lovely comment my dear.:))

  28. Hiiiiiiiii Nags,

    WOW…after long time I see you here. I was missed my all blog friend in my vacation.

    Take Care.:))

  29. Hello Bhags,

    Thanks for your ovely words. I also made this first time but comes out very nice taste.:)

  30. Hello Dev,

    Oh......yes I really miss my all friend in this vacation. I will trying to post regular in my blog. But you know when we are busy in other schedule then we have not enough time but I am sure in this week I post regularly.

    Have a nice day.:)))

  31. Hello Viji,

    I always love your cute words. Love you. Have a nice day with lots of fun.

    Take Care.:)))

  32. Hello Sia,

    Yes, you are right with my all family members I enjoy a lot and great time together. This is very special diwali vacation for me. Thanks for your lovely comment in my post.

    Have a great day my dear.:)))

  33. Hi Aparna,

    I am glad to see your lovely comment. Have a nice day.:))

  34. My dear Asha,

    Really I miss you in my vacation. I always think in my vacation what is asha post in this week? Really you are dear and near in my vacation time.

    Thanks for your lovely and cute words.:)

  35. Hello Paati,

    Thanks for bookmarked and your lovely words written here.


  36. Helloooooooooo Laavanya,

    Yes I also tell to my all cousins we have very nice time and I feel that when my both sister married and settle in USA. So I feel very bad but I have 10 cousins so not feel too bad but when we all together we always remember my both sisters. I never miss the chance to living together in any cost.

    Thanks for your valuable comment. Have a nice day.:)))

  37. Hello Alpa,

    Yes, you are right when family is so far and when you read this then what you feel but don’t worry my dear. Distance does not matter only feeling is matter. If anyone want by true feeling of heart then everyone get it definitely. Love you my dear.

    Thanks a lot!!!!!

  38. Hello Remya,

    I am glad to see your lovely comment. Thanks a lot!!!

    Good Day.:))

  39. Hi Musical,

    Thanks for your cute words my dear. Have a nice day.:))

  40. Dear and Near Tarika,

    Yes, we all miss your family and P family also. We have lots of talk about little T.

    I am glad to see your lovely words.:))

  41. Hello Meghana,

    Oh…I add salt in step 5 my dear. Sorry I not write there. Thanks for give me this nice question so I write in my post also.

    Have a nice day.:)

  42. Hey Cynthia,

    Thanks you my dear. Your words are gorgeous as you are.

    Good day.:)

  43. Hello Bee,

    Ohh........this is your kindness my dear. You are written for me lovely words. Thanks a lot!!!!

  44. Hello Indosungod,

    Thanks for your lovely words. Nice to see your great words.:))

  45. Hello Swaroopa,

    WOW....nice to see your comment.
    Good day.:))

  46. Hi Happy Cook,

    Thanks for your beautiful words my dear. Try and after say me you like it or not. I am really like the comment when any one try and after that give me nice feedback.

    Have a nice day.....

  47. Hello Sri,

    Your writing is also nice and cute but say everything.:))

  48. Hello Sagari,

    Yes if you like than I share lot of any other recipe my dear but here bindi season is over but in summer I share more recipe.

    Thanks for your lovely words.:))

  49. Hiiiiiiiii TBC,

    Sorry my dear....I am busy in my other work so not see any one of my blog friend post but in this week I will try to mange my day and get some time for all of you.

    Nice to see your lovely words.:))

  50. Anonymous15:42

    Good post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

  51. leanne15:53

    hi kajal!!!!! first of all i am compleatly in love with your blog and recipes!! last night i made your okra with green gravy dal roti and rice!!! it was amazing! i had made a few ajustments to suit my pantry. i used cashews instead of peanuts as i am not keen on peanuts, and i added some tumeric by habbit when frying the okra but it all still came out nice. just one question though... if two tablespoons of the seed are too much for your taste< can i lower the amount to maybe 1/2tsp or 1tsp? thank you kindly! xxxx
