Saturday, June 9, 2007

Recipe of Becoming a Star

'For Becoming A Star'
We need 100 spoons of Confidence,
One full Jar of 6th Sense,
One full bowl of Strength,
One packet of spicy Common Sense,
Also 100 spoons of Health Fitness,
Ten full jars of Hard Work,
100 spoons of Self-Respect,
Also 100 full jars of Believes in Ourselves,
Ten big pans of Postive Thinking,
And lastly 1000 bowl full of Happiness.
Now Roll it and Poll it,
Then mix it and fix it forever,
In a big and special untensil known as 'BRAIN'
If you are ready, steady and surely gone,
You have become a 'STAR'.
Zheel Vidyani Vidyalaya.