Saturday, August 18, 2007

Apple Jam

This is my contribution for Shrivali Event –MEC (Microwave Easy Cooking) Sweet.

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Make 1\2 cup

11\2 cups apple, peeled and grated,
1\4 cup sugar,
4-tbsp lemon juice

Step 1: Combine the apple and sugar in a microwave safe bowl.

Step 2: Microwave on high for 2 minutes.

Step 3: Remove from the microwave, mix well and microwave on high for another 2 minutes.

Step 4: After that remove from microwave and add lemon juice and mix well.

Step 5: Again microwave for 1 minutes.
Step 6: Cool in room atmosphere.

Step 7: Sterilized the bottle on gas stove for just few second and cool at room atmosphere.

Step 8: Place the apple jam in sterilized bottle and Store refrigerated in an air-tight container.

Step 9: Spread over bread and toast. I make Jam biscuit. Spread the jam over one biscuit.

Step 10: Place oval shape cut biscuit over it and decorate with sugar.

Next coming for Jihva-Rice Event.........

Archana give me this two Award….Thanks my dear...I appreciate both of them :)

Sharmi is also give me Power of Schmooze Award...Thank you Sharmi.:)

I am little busy in my work so I really don't know about this Award...I do not know May I deserve it or not. My mom is not feeling well so I am busy in home and job….so not visit any other blogger site…But when Sharmi say me than I am really very surprised…..Thank you Sharmi and Archana.:))

The Power of Schmooze Award is for bloggers who “effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship.”


  1. Wah Kajal!! super!! reminds me of the jam biscuits I used to eat in my childhood (it had mix fruit jam in the middle!) LOVELY!!!

  2. Wow lovely jam kajal, and what an easy recipe. Thanks.

  3. Couldn't get any simpler than that.. Lovely recipe, photos, idea and presentation. Great job, Kajal!

  4. its lovely recipe, simpe but yummy indeed, thanks for visited my blog :)


  5. wow, kajal. very creative, and great step-by-step pics.

  6. Lovely thumbprint cookies with apple jam. Apt entry for the event Kajal. Congrats on the award. Viji

  7. hmm kajal how ru??

    glad to see you after long time. I like jam but mix fruit :D
    well ok that i will have when i will visit your house :d

    Take Care

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congrats !!! You really Rock !

    Is it this simple !!! Nice idea of having it with Biscuits...Jam biscuits.

    Thanks for the post.

  10. Kajal, ekdum saras idea che biscuit sathe! Jam pan bahuj saras lage che. :)

  11. Oh yeah baby, you totally rock! :)

  12. Congrats on the awards, Kajal:-).
    You really deserve it. You are such a sweetheart:-)
    You jam looks very good. And you microwave is so clean! ;-)
    Hope your mom is feeling better.
    Take care.

  13. Hello Manasi,

    Thank you for your nice words.....Great Weekend.:)

  14. Hi Neelam,

    Yes this is very easy this is my second try for jam first time I made mango jam before one month but after that I feel I cook this in microwave than this is easy and I try first time in microwave and it turn out good and less work and time also.

    Thanks you my dear for your kind words.:)

  15. Thanks Suganya.

    Yes, this is easy and less time.....Thanks for your pretty words.

    Happy Weeekend.:)

  16. Hello Lia,

    You are most well-come......I am glad to see your comment.

    Enjoy weekend with lots of Fun.:)))

  17. Hellooooooooooooooo Bee,

    Thank you dear.....But you are rocking I see your blog my dear what a great recipe....:))

  18. :) VIJI :(

    Thanks my dear. are the master of jam my dear you always post something new taste in jam......I always love your Jam recipe.:)

  19. Hi Vikas,

    I love home made Jam when I made after two days it is finish....So when you visit then jam bottle is empty.....ha ha ha ha......don’t worry because my kitchen is always read for another new try.

    Good day and Take Care.:))

  20. Thanks Seec!!
    Have a nice weekend.:)))

  21. Kem chhe Coffee?

    Saru tu pan banvi ne biscuit sathe taste kar j tane bhavse. Tara shabdo bahu jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj saras chhe. Aabhar.:)

  22. Hey Cynthia,

    Thanks for your charming words.

    Good day and TC.:))

  23. Hi Tbc,

    Thanks for your charming words.

    My mom is feeling not much good but she is recovering slowly. Doctor says complete bad rest for 10 days more. But she is not much pain.

    Have a nice weekend and Take Care.:))

  24. Those oval biscuits reminded of my fight with my lil brother for having them, beautiful jam...n congratulations for those awards

  25. Kajal, Hope your mom is feeling better now. take care of her. blogging can be done anytime. lovely Jam.

  26. Lovely recipe Kajal..your presentation is very clear n easy to follow...Way to go girl...Congrats for the really deserve them

    Hope your Mom is feeling better now..TC

  27. Kajal,

    Thanks for the lovely looks wonderful. Catch you at the round up...


  28. Hi Padma,

    Oh fighter....We fight in childhood but this is nice days of our childhood.......Thanks for your lovely words. You are very charming and truth speaker girl.:))))

  29. Hey Sharmi,

    Thanks for your lovely words. I definitely care my mom.

    My mom is fine and also doctor say she recover with in week and don’t I am feeling good now. Yes blogging can be done any time but my papa is very helpful person. My papa is good cook so they help in each and every item in kitchen. Some time he made better curry as compare to me and my mom.:)))

  30. Hello Apple,

    Yes, my mom feeling better now. Today my mom goes to hospital and doctor says she is recovering very well. So today is very fine day for me.

    Thanks for your polite words.
    Good Day and Take Care.:))

  31. Hey Srivalli,

    Wait for your nice round up my dear.....This is very nice event so I am crazy for your round up.

    Have a nice day and TC.:)))

  32. Wow! great entry! You have explained so well! Cooking jam in microwave is a great idea.
    You have a nice blog kajal. since 2 days I was unable to login. when I clicked on your name I landed in some funny looking blog by some geek. It was about politics I think so. I was sure it was not yours.

  33. hi Kajal,
    came to know about your blog from th MW cooking roundup..excellent post...and real quick too...and hey!, very much appreciate your step by step is soo easy if thought in this manner!!

  34. Hi A kitchen scientist & a white rat hubby!!!

    Thanks for appreciating my work…I like your long name my dear........Great :-)

    Have a nice day.:))))

  35. Anonymous12:35

    My friend and I were recently discussing about how technology has become so integrated in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further advances, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about almost every day.

    (Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]nintendo dsi r4i[/url] DS ccPost)
